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Spice Basket Special Sambar Recipe

21 Feb 2024
Spice Basket Special Sambar Recipe - Spice Basket


  • 3/4 - 1 cup Spice Basket sambar parippu
  • 2.5 - 3 cups Water
  • 1 med - big Carrot (cubed)
  • 1 small -medium Potato (cubed & half cooked)
  • 2 Drumstick (cut lengthwise)
  • 2 medium Tomato (sliced)
  • 3-4 Okra (vendakka)
  • A small lemon size Spice Basket Tamarind (adjust the qty as per your taste)
  • 1.5 - 2 tbsp Spice Basket special Sambar powder
  • 5 Small onion / Pearl onion (sliced finely)
  • 2 Spice Basket Guntur Red chilly whole 
  • 1/4 tsp Mustard
  • Curry leaves
  • Salt
  • Spice Basket coconut Oil


  • Pressure cook the dal with water on high flame for 2 whistles. Keep it closed for 30 minutes or till the steam goes. Mash the cooked dal well using a wooden spoon. Add 3.5-4 cups of water to the mashed dal and blend it well. Add salt and all the veggies except the potato to this. When the veggies are half cooked add potato and the tamarind pulp. Cook till all the veggies are cooked.
  • Meanwhile heat oil in another pan and add the Spice Basket special sambar powder. Fry it for a minute, make sure that it doesn't get burnt. Add some water to the powder and make a thick paste. Add this to the veggies and let it boil. Heat some more Spice Basket coconut oil in the same pan and crackle the mustard seeds. Add sliced, small onions, Guntur red chillie wholes and curry leaves. Fry it till the onion becomes golden brown. Add this to the sambar and mix well. Remove from fire.


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